The Role of Service Quality on Satisfaction of BPJS Participants


  • Fayola Issalillah Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang
  • Eny Rachmawati Mayjen Sungkono University
  • Mukti Kemarauwana Sunan Giri University Surabaya


service quality, patient satisfaction, BPJS, puskesmas


BPJS participants as users of health services provided by the government are entitled to get the best satisfactory service. To achieve this, it is necessary to provide quality services from the health care system at the puskesmas. This study is about observing quality health services to achieve BPJS participant satisfaction. By involving 79 patients who visited the puskesmas and using regression analysis as a measuring tool, it was found that the service quality variable played a significant role in shaping patient satisfaction. Improving service quality will be in line with increasing patient satisfaction. Other results show that all service quality factors have a significant effect on BPJS user satisfaction simultaneously.


