Pengaruh Socially Responsible Marketing dan Corporate Social Responsibility terhadap Brand Image di Perusahaan Ziebart Rust Proof Cabang Surabaya


  • Utami Puji Lestari Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya
  • Dewi Rosalian S Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya


Socially Responsible Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility, brand image


The research objective is to determine the effect of Socially Responsible Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Image. The variables that will be used in this study are Socially Responsible Marketing (X1), Corporate Social Responsibility (X2), and brand image (Y) variables. This research is all Ziebart consumers in the last six months, totaling 186 consumers. While the research sample used was 30 respondents because the number of variables studied were 3 (independent + dependent), so the number of sample members = 10 x 3 = 30. Data analysis technique used to determine the level of disclosure of Socially Responsible Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Brand image at the company Ziebart Rust Proof Surabaya branch. Using Regression Analysis Hypothesis Testing simultaneously using the F test and partially using the t test. The results of the study can be concluded that Socially Responsible Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility together have a significant influence on Brand Image at Ziebart Rust Proof Surabaya branch. Partially, the leadership variable, Corporate Social Responsibility has been proven to have a significant effect on Brand Image at Ziebart Rust Proof Surabaya branch. Leadership variable is the dominant factor influencing Brand Image at Ziebart Rust Proof Surabaya branch.


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