Pengaruh Efikasi Diri, Hubungan Interpersonal dan Quality of Work Life terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Reny Swalayanku di Waru Sidoarjo
self-efficiency, interpersonal relations, quality of work life, job satisfactionAbstract
The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of Self-Efficacy, Interpersonal Relations and Quality of Woerk Life on Employee Satisfaction at Reni Swalayanku in Waru Sidoarjo. The population of all employees of Reny Swalayanku, amounting to 56 people, in this study, the researchers had all members of the population with 56 people to be sampled. The test is used for this study, multiple linear regression, and more than one independent variable. The results of this study are the results of the F test showing that F count 76,246 with a significance of 0,000 which means F count> F table which is equal to 2.78 and the significance of the test F <0.05. These results indicate that the variables of self-efficacy, interpersonal relations and quality of work life have a significant influence on the job satisfaction of Reny Swalayanku employees in Waru Sidoarjo. The results of the t test have been known that the variables of self-efficacy, interpersonal relations and quality of work life have a partially significant influence on the job satisfaction of Reny Swalayanku employees in Waru Sidoarjo. This is indicated by the value of t count of 3.205 (X1), 5,053 (X2), 3,320 (X3)> t table 1,673. While the interpersoanal relationship variable (X2) has a dominant influence on the job satisfaction of Reny Swalayanku employees in Waru Sidoarjo (Y).
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