Inverse Ingredient Branding sebagai Strategi Pemasaran UKM Makanan di Surabaya: Suatu Tinjauan Teoritis


  • Febriana Hambalah Universitas Hang Tuah Surabaya


Inverse Ingredient Branding, Food SMEs, Marketing Strategy, Push and Pull Strategy


There are countless number of Food SMEs in Surabaya. The food product competition map which is also filled with products originating from outside the city of Surabaya, and internationally, makes food producers in Surabaya have to create effective strategies, in order to reduce promotional costs, and strengthen the desire to buy from their customers. One of the strategies carried out by SMEs in Surabaya is Inverse Ingredient Branding. This strategy is a marketing strategy that uses a well-known brand to be used as a component in its product. So that consumers who know it, will feel the connection with the familiar ingredient brand. In the end, the purchase will be made by the consumer, due to the familiar taste/sensation in the product, even though the brand of the food product purchased is a brand that has never been felt before. The purpose of this study is to examine the theory behind the Inverse Ingredient Branding strategy undertaken by the Food SMEs in Surabaya. The research method applied in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study indicate that the Inverse Ingredient Branding strategy originates from the initial idea of ​​the Push and Pull Strategy which seeks to attract consumers to demand for the products produced by the Food SMEs. So that the brand components chosen in the Inverse Ingredient Branding strategy are brands that are in demand and have high demand in the minds of consumers at that time. This paper was presented at the VII National Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation, organized by Tarumanagara University in Yogyakarta, on May 24, 2017.


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