
  • aris nurullah


Islam is a religion that upholds the dignity and dignity of every person without distinguishing
gender, both men and women. Inequality of social roles based on gender (gender inequality)
is considered as divine creation, everything comes from God. In contrast to the perceptions of
feminists who consider inequality solely as a social construction. The imbalance of social roles
based on gender is still maintained under the pretext of religious doctrine. Religion is involved
in preserving conditions where women do not consider themselves to be equal to men. It is not
impossible that behind this theological 'awareness' there is anthropological manipulation
aimed at establishing a patriarchal structure, which generally harms women and only benefits
certain classes in society. As a result of understanding the texts of the Word of God and the
prophets' hadiths that are not precise and are classical in nature, they are unable to answer
the dynamics of the times and tend to bring about social inequality. Based on the shift in the
paradigm, Khaleed Abou El Fadl and Amina Wadud tried to change the understanding that
had strayed far from the Al-Qur'an award for women.
Keyword : Hermeneutic, Women, Fiqh, Khaleed Abou El Fadl, Amina Wadud

Biografi Penulis

aris nurullah

Celestial Law Journal Cover or studies that are seen as contributing to the development of Law and Fiqh.



Cara Mengutip

nurullah, aris. (2021). WOMEN’S HERMENEUTIC STUDY AUTHORITIVE. SUNAN GIRI : Jurnal Kajian Keislaman, 11(1), 1–18. Diambil dari https://journal.unsuri.ac.id/index.php/jkk/article/view/266