Relevansi Pemikiran Gus Dur tentang Pendidikan Perdamaian (Peace Education) dengan Kurikulum Merdeka di Indonesia


  • Nurul Hidayati IAI Tarbiyatut Tholabah Lamongan
  • Wiwin Luqna Hunaida UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Nur Fitriatin UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Errina Usman Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Nurul Islam Mojokerto


Peace Education, Gus Dur, Merdeka Curriculum


KH Abdur Rahman Wahid (Gus Dur) is an educational figure as well as a comtemporar cleric who gave birth to sharp thoughts about education, among them Peace Education. In the midst of Indonesia's recovery from the pandemic with the rampant persecution, riots and juvenile delinquency, there is a new innovation in the world of education, namely the Merdeka Curriculum. The presence of the Merdeka Curriculum gives students the freedom to develop abilities according to their potential Broadly speaking, the Merdeka curriculum has similarities and is closely related to Peace Education. This article seeks to find the points of relevation that exist in both and combine them using a library of research obtained from reading sources on Peace education and the Merdeka curriculum, then analyzed and criticized using content analysis. There is some relevance between the Merdeka Curriculum and Peace Education, 1.There are common principles, namely attention and approaches that focus on the potential of learners and the social environment, 2. The suitability of goals and competencies achieved, namely making students competent and characterful, integrative insight, and reflecting the values of Pancasila, 3.Relevance of implementation mechanisms and development concepts i.e. by integrating into themes or curricula, 4.The relationship between efforts to achieve the Pancasila student profile and methods of implementing peace education, namely developing leadership skills, managing systems for educators, and collaboration between all parties involved in education.


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How to Cite

Hidayati, N., Hunaida, W. L., Fitriatin, N., & Usman, E. (2024). Relevansi Pemikiran Gus Dur tentang Pendidikan Perdamaian (Peace Education) dengan Kurikulum Merdeka di Indonesia. SUNAN GIRI: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman, 13(1), 1–15. Retrieved from


